Do I Objectify or Sanctify?


“This book is so amazing!!!!”

Jim says I say that about everything I read.  But that shouldn’t be too surprising since I ask the Lord to guide!

So I had a wisdom tooth out this month and it’s amazing how painful a hole can be!  Obviously my body does not give up its parts easily!

As I lay awake in pain night after night, the Lord provided some wonderful books to read:

Kimberly Smith’s Passport Through Darkness, Lopez Lomong’s autobiography Running for My Life and finally, when the pain seemed like it would never end… Joni Eareakson Tada’s book A Place of Healing.

Not only did these books nourish my soul and help keep the pain in perspective, while reading Joni’s book she shared how she worked through a reflective journal by Ken Gire.  Since we are about to enter the reflective stage of our sabbatical that caught my attention.  When I looked it up I discovered it’s part of a trilogy that includes the book The Reflective Life.  Talk about a treasure of a find!!!

During my recovery the Lord has been teaching me the value of simple things… health! food!  and even oxygen! (learned this the last two miles of my hike up Pikes Peak – what a difference it makes when that is in short supply!  Especially when your Florida body is not use to it being in short supply!)  There are so many blessings, so many gifts He daily gives that I never even think to thank Him for!

From Ken Gire I learned, this is because I am at heart an objectifier!

When I read the following quote it cut me to the quick:


Am I ever thankful for how the Lord is transforming the way I view the world and all that is in it!!!

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